Ballyoulster United AFC

Founded 1968

Co. Kildare


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Ballyoulster Utd AFC Parents/Guardians Policy

We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. Parents have a significant influence on children's enjoyment and success in football. Children play football because they first and foremost love the game, it is fun. Remember children's football is a time for them to develop and learn. We want them to win but not at all costs. Play your part by supporting them, supporting the FAI's Player Development Plan and observe the Code of Conduct at all times.

As a Parent/Guardian I will:
  • Remember that children play for fun.
  • Applaud effort and good play.
  • Always respect the match officials decisions.
  • Try not to show superficial support to the referee because the call went 'your' way. Avoid comments such as 'great call ref' or 'thanks ref'.
  • Lead by example and never harass or shout at the referee or officials.
  • Encourage the players to respect the opposition, referee and officials.
  • Remain outside the field of play or within the Designated Spectators' Areas.
  • Avoid walking up and down throughout the game along the side lines. Leave the coaching to the managers/coaches whose job it is.
  • Let the coach do their job and not confuse the players by telling them what to do.
  • Encourage your child, and others, or be quiet. Praise effort and performance and not results.
  • Make positive comments from the side line. Be encouraging. You can often see a young player make that extra effort when they hear encouraging words from the side line about their efforts.
  • Avoid criticising a player for making a mistake, mistakes are part of learning.
  • Avoid making any negative comments about players on the other team. This should be simple, as we are talking about youngsters, not adults who are be paid to play professional football.
  • Never engage in, or tolerate offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour.
  • Support the manager/coaches decisions and discuss any concerns directly with them.
  • Do not complain about your son or daughter's manager/coaches to other parents.
  • Do not discuss the play of specific young players in front of other parents.
  • Try to keep interaction with parents on the other team as healthy and positive as possible. They are not the enemy.
  • Try to develop an appropriate and supportive relationship with both the manager/coach and my child based on mutual trust and respect.
  • Help put goals and equipment away at the end of a game if required.
  • Watch and be familiar with the Coach/Parents Education Video on

Please understand, that if you do not follow the above policy and code of conduct, action may be taken by the club, league or National Association in line with disciplinary process.
Thank you
Ballyoulster FC 

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